;(function($){ /*******************************************************************************************/ // jquery.pajinate.js - version 0.4 // A jQuery plugin for paginating through any number of DOM elements // // Copyright (c) 2010, Wes Nolte (http://wesnolte.com) // Liscensed under the MIT License (MIT-LICENSE.txt) // http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php // Created: 2010-04-16 | Updated: 2010-04-26 /*******************************************************************************************/ $.fn.pajinate = function(options){ // Set some state information var current_page = 'current_page'; var items_per_page = 'items_per_page'; var meta; // Setup default option values var defaults = { item_container_id : '.content', items_per_page : 10, nav_panel_id : '.page_navigation', num_page_links_to_display : 20, start_page : 0, wrap_around : false, nav_label_first : 'First', nav_label_prev : 'Prev', nav_label_next : 'Next', nav_label_last : 'Last', show_first_last: true }; var options = $.extend(defaults,options); var $item_container; var $page_container; var $items; var $nav_panels; var total_page_no_links; return this.each(function(){ $page_container = $(this); $item_container = $(this).find(options.item_container_id); $items = $page_container.find(options.item_container_id).children(); meta = $page_container; // Initialise meta data meta.data(current_page,0); meta.data(items_per_page, options.items_per_page); // Get the total number of items var total_items = $item_container.children().size(); // Calculate the number of pages needed var number_of_pages = Math.ceil(total_items/options.items_per_page); // Construct the nav bar var more = '...'; var less = '...'; var first = !options.show_first_last ? '' : ''+ options.nav_label_first +''; var last = !options.show_first_last ? '' : ''+ options.nav_label_last +''; var navigation_html = first; navigation_html += ''+ options.nav_label_prev +''+ less; var current_link = 0; while(number_of_pages > current_link){ navigation_html += ''+ (current_link + 1) +''; current_link++; } navigation_html += more + ''+ options.nav_label_next +''; navigation_html += last; // And add it to the appropriate area of the DOM $nav_panels = $page_container.find(options.nav_panel_id); $nav_panels.html(navigation_html).each(function(){ $(this).find('.page_link:first').addClass('first'); $(this).find('.page_link:last').addClass('last'); }); // Hide the more/less indicators $nav_panels.children('.ellipse').hide(); // Set the active page link styling $nav_panels.find('.previous_link').next().next().addClass('active_page'); /* Setup Page Display */ // And hide all pages $items.hide(); // Show the first page $items.slice(0, meta.data(items_per_page)).show(); /* Setup Nav Menu Display */ // Page number slices total_page_no_links = $page_container.children(options.nav_panel_id+':first').children('.page_link').size(); options.num_page_links_to_display = Math.min(options.num_page_links_to_display,total_page_no_links); $nav_panels.children('.page_link').hide(); // Hide all the page links // And only show the number we should be seeing $nav_panels.each(function(){ $(this).children('.page_link').slice(0, options.num_page_links_to_display).show(); }); /* Bind the actions to their respective links */ // Event handler for 'First' link $page_container.find('.first_link').click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); movePageNumbersRight($(this),0); goto(0); }); // Event handler for 'Last' link $page_container.find('.last_link').click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var lastPage = total_page_no_links - 1; movePageNumbersLeft($(this),lastPage); goto(lastPage); }); // Event handler for 'Prev' link $page_container.find('.previous_link').click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); showPrevPage($(this)); }); // Event handler for 'Next' link $page_container.find('.next_link').click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); showNextPage($(this)); }); // Event handler for each 'Page' link $page_container.find('.page_link').click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); goto($(this).attr('longdesc')); }); // Goto the required page goto(parseInt(options.start_page)); toggleMoreLess(); if(!options.wrap_around) tagNextPrev(); }); function showPrevPage(e){ new_page = parseInt(meta.data(current_page)) - 1; // Check that we aren't on a boundary link if($(e).siblings('.active_page').prev('.page_link').length==true){ movePageNumbersRight(e,new_page); goto(new_page); }else if(options.wrap_around){ goto(total_page_no_links-1); } }; function showNextPage(e){ new_page = parseInt(meta.data(current_page)) + 1; // Check that we aren't on a boundary link if($(e).siblings('.active_page').next('.page_link').length==true){ movePageNumbersLeft(e,new_page); goto(new_page); } else if (options.wrap_around) { goto(0); } }; function goto(page_num){ var ipp = meta.data(items_per_page); var isLastPage = false; // Find the start of the next slice start_from = page_num * ipp; // Find the end of the next slice end_on = start_from + ipp; // Hide the current page $items.hide() .slice(start_from, end_on) .show(); // Reassign the active class $page_container.find(options.nav_panel_id).children('.page_link[longdesc=' + page_num +']').addClass('active_page') .siblings('.active_page') .removeClass('active_page'); // Set the current page meta data meta.data(current_page,page_num); // Hide the more and/or less indicators toggleMoreLess(); // Add a class to the next or prev links if there are no more pages next or previous to the active page tagNextPrev(); }; // Methods to shift the diplayed index of page numbers to the left or right function movePageNumbersLeft(e, new_p){ var new_page = new_p; var $current_active_link = $(e).siblings('.active_page'); if($current_active_link.siblings('.page_link[longdesc=' + new_page +']').css('display') == 'none'){ $nav_panels.each(function(){ $(this).children('.page_link') .hide() // Hide all the page links .slice(parseInt(new_page - options.num_page_links_to_display + 1) , new_page + 1) .show(); }); } } function movePageNumbersRight(e, new_p){ var new_page = new_p; var $current_active_link = $(e).siblings('.active_page'); if($current_active_link.siblings('.page_link[longdesc=' + new_page +']').css('display') == 'none'){ $nav_panels.each(function(){ $(this).children('.page_link') .hide() // Hide all the page links .slice( new_page , new_page + parseInt(options.num_page_links_to_display)) .show(); }); } } // Show or remove the ellipses that indicate that more page numbers exist in the page index than are currently shown function toggleMoreLess(){ if(!$nav_panels.children('.page_link:visible').hasClass('last')){ $nav_panels.children('.more').show(); }else { $nav_panels.children('.more').hide(); } if(!$nav_panels.children('.page_link:visible').hasClass('first')){ $nav_panels.children('.less').show(); }else { $nav_panels.children('.less').hide(); } } /* Add the style class ".no_more" to the first/prev and last/next links to allow custom styling */ function tagNextPrev() { if($nav_panels.children('.last').hasClass('active_page')){ $nav_panels.children('.next_link').add('.last_link').addClass('no_more'); } else { $nav_panels.children('.next_link').add('.last_link').removeClass('no_more'); } if($nav_panels.children('.first').hasClass('active_page')){ $nav_panels.children('.previous_link').add('.first_link').addClass('no_more'); } else { $nav_panels.children('.previous_link').add('.first_link').removeClass('no_more'); } } }; })(jQuery);